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Webinar OUVEMA Making Space for Cycling, Walking, and Staying

James Thoem (Associate, Gehl)

What goes into making mobility for people? While local climates, topographies, and cultures play an Important role in sustainable transportation choices, the underlying, universal element is safe and attractive infrastructure that allows streets to thrive.

James will dive into the infrastructural elements and requirements for creating sustainable, healthy, and active cities. Along the way, he’ll draw upon case studies collected through Gehl’s work in cities around the world.

James has worked on cycling and walking strategies in a wide range of contexts, from Hamburg to Los Angeles, Cuenca to Dubai.

Webinarreihe zum Thema Gehen

“Öffentlicher Raum in Bewegung” ist der Titel der neuen Webinarreihe des Observatoire universitaire du vélo et des mobilités actives der Universität Lausanne (OUVEMA), in Partnerschaft mit Fussverkehr Schweiz.

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8032 Zürich

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