TRANSFER Interlis1; !!* Datamodel to plan walkways described in the manual "Handbuch Fusswegnetzplanung". !!* Involved: !!* G. Bakels, ASTRA !!* A. Kluser, GeoplanTeam !!* T.Zahnd, D. Sigrist, planum AG !!* !!* The MGDM LV (Minimales Geodatenmodell Langsamverkehr) did not yet exist during development of this model - the compatibility may not be ensured. !!* Rules for GIS-Operaters to capture data in this model: Check the special document "Datenmodell Fusswegnetzplanung - Empfehlungen zur Datenerhebung" !!* @Issuer !!* @Version 2015-07-02 MODEL DM14WalkwayplanningCH DOMAIN !!* LV03 !!* LKoord = COORD2 480000.000 70000.000 !!* 850000.000 310000.000; !!* LV95 LKoord = COORD2 2480000.000 170000.000 2850000.000 1310000.000; Orientation = GRADS 0.0 399.9; !!* Topic Walkwayplanning TOPIC Walkwayplanning = DOMAIN !!* BFS-number of swiss municipalities. ID_BFS_Municipality = [1 .. 9999]; ObjectTypeCH = ( weakness, netgap, publictransport, facility, zone, water, forest, hikingtrail, others); !!* Zuständigkeit Responsibility = ( municipality, region, canton, federation, unknown); Status = ( existing, intended); !!* Point in the node-line-topology of the walkway network. TABLE NetPoint = ID_BFS_Municipality : ID_BFS_Municipality; Geometry : LKoord; Status : Status; NetPointType : ( netpoint, crossing, zone, blockade); Remark : OPTIONAL TEXT*200; NO IDENT END NetPoint; !!* Area of a planned or discussed mutation of the walkway plan. Not valid yet. TABLE PlanPerimeterInProgress = ID_BFS_Municipality : ID_BFS_Municipality; Geometry : SURFACE WITH (ARCS, STRAIGHTS) VERTEX LKoord WITHOUT OVERLAPS > 0.050; !!* Name of the walkway plan in progress. Name : OPTIONAL TEXT*200; Remark : OPTIONAL TEXT*200; NO IDENT END PlanPerimeterInProgress; !!* Individual municipality object types. Each of them has to reference a swiss federation object type (ObjectTypeCH). TABLE ObjectType = ID_BFS_Municipality : ID_BFS_Municipality; !!* Use "recommended" names from the manual if possible: Begegnungszone, Fussgängerzone, Tempo-30-Zone, Wanderweg, Gewässer, Bahnhof, Haltestelle, Park, Schwachstelle, Netzlücke, etc. ObjectType : TEXT*100; !!* Shortname/Shortcut of the ObjectType (e.g. can be used for representation purposes). ObjectTypeCode : TEXT*20; ObjectTypeCH : ObjectTypeCH; Remark : OPTIONAL TEXT*200; NO IDENT END ObjectType; !!* Line in the node-line-topology of the walkway network. TABLE NetLine = ID_BFS_Municipality : ID_BFS_Municipality; Geometry : POLYLINE WITH (ARCS, STRAIGHTS) VERTEX LKoord; Status : Status; !!* Hierachical function or level in municipality (e.g. "principal exploitation", "detail exploitation") Hierarchy_Function : OPTIONAL TEXT*50; NetLineType : ( independent_path, sidewalk ( one_sided, two_sided), virtual); Remark : OPTIONAL TEXT*200; !!* UUID of the TLM_Strasse segment (Universal Unique Identifier) MGDM_LVWeg_ID_TLM : OPTIONAL TEXT*50; MGDM_LVWeg_ID : OPTIONAL TEXT*50; !!* Das Attribut speichert die Langsamverkehrsart ab. Werte: !!* 1) Wandern !!* 2) Velo !!* 3) MTB !!* 4) FäG !!* 5) Fussverkehr MGDM_LVWeg_Art : OPTIONAL TEXT*50; !!* TLM=Fuehrungsart !!* [15.10.2013] !!* Der Katalog ist abhängig von der LV-Art, aber nicht vom Mandanten. Die Liste ist, insebesondere wegen dem Fussverkehr, noch nicht vollständig. !!* Zu Trottoirs: Falls die swisstopo Trottoirs nicht oder später erfasst: Die Angaben rechts bzw. links beziehen sich auf die Erfassungsrichtung des darunterliegenden TLM-Segmentes. !!* !!* 1) Mischverkehr !!* 2) Trottoir beidseitig !!* 3) Trottoir rechts !!* 4) Trottoir links !!* 5) Weg_strassenbegleitend !!* 6) Fussweg_strassenbegleitend !!* 7) Radweg_strassenbegleitend !!* 8) Fuss- und Radweg strassenbegleitend !!* 9) Radstreifen !!* 10) Laengsstreifen_Fussgaenger !!* 11) Nur_LV !!* 12) Nur_Fussgaenger MGDM_LVWeg_Fuehrungsart : OPTIONAL TEXT*50; !!* (1) Kantonaler Richtplan !!* (2) Regionaler Richtplan !!* (3) Lokaler Richtplan !!* (4) Fuss- bzw. Wanderwegplan !!* (5) Provisorischer Fuss- bzw. Wanderwegplan !!* (6) Agglomerationsprogramm !!* (7) Andere behördenverbindliche Festlegung MGDM_LVWeg_Behoerdenverbindlichkeit : OPTIONAL TEXT*50; !!* Die Werte können von Kanton zu Kanton unterschiedlich sein. Beispiel: «Kantonaler Richtplan vom 22.3.2003». MGDM_LVWeg_Behoerdenverbindlichkeit_Quelle : OPTIONAL TEXT*50; !!* Gemäss Datenkatalog Sockeldaten V4.6.1 [21.02.2011] !!* (1) in_Ordnung: Der Wegabschnitt ist bezüglich der vorliegenden Langsamverkehrsart in Ordnung. !!* (2) Mangelhaft: Der Wegabschnitt ist mangelhaft. MGDM_LVWeg_Zustand : OPTIONAL TEXT*50; !!* Oberflächenbeschaffenheit des Weges. !!* (1) «hart» !!* (2) «hart, nicht vollflächig» !!* (3) «natur» MGDM_LVWeg_Belagsart : OPTIONAL TEXT*50; !!* Gibt an, ob ein LV-Weg auf einem mit grundeigentümlich gesicherten Weg verläuft. MGDM_LVWeg_ist_grundeigentuemerverbindlich_geregelt : OPTIONAL (no,yes); MGDM_LVWeg_Grundeigentuemerverbindlichkeit_Erlaeuterung : OPTIONAL TEXT*200; NO IDENT END NetLine; !!* Area of the actual and valid walkway plan. TABLE PlanPerimeterValid = ID_BFS_Municipality : ID_BFS_Municipality; Geometry : AREA WITH (ARCS, STRAIGHTS) VERTEX LKoord WITHOUT OVERLAPS > 0.050; !!* Name of the valid walkway plan. Name : OPTIONAL TEXT*200; !!* Remarks about the evolution or earlier mutations which are integrated and part of the actual and valid walkway plan. RemarkHistory : OPTIONAL TEXT*200; Remark : OPTIONAL TEXT*200; NO IDENT END PlanPerimeterValid; TABLE NetPointPosText = Text : TEXT*200; !!* Text-Position Pos : LKoord; !!* Text-Orientation (undefined = 100.0) Ori : OPTIONAL Orientation; !!* Horizontal-Alignement (undefined = center) Hali : OPTIONAL HALIGNMENT; !!* Vertical-Alignement (undefined = half) Vali : OPTIONAL VALIGNMENT; NetPoint : ->NetPoint; !! {0..*} NO IDENT END NetPointPosText; TABLE NetLinePosText = Text : TEXT*200; !!* Text-Position Pos : LKoord; !!* Text-Orientation (undefined = 100.0) Ori : OPTIONAL Orientation; !!* Horizontal-Alignement (undefined = center) Hali : OPTIONAL HALIGNMENT; !!* Vertical-Alignement (undefined = half) Vali : OPTIONAL VALIGNMENT; NetLine : ->NetLine; !! {0..*} NO IDENT END NetLinePosText; !!* Different objects or items in the walkway plan. (Object is a reserved word in many databases, therefore ObjectItem). TABLE ObjectItem = Status : Status; Responsibility : Responsibility; BindingCharacter : ( binding, information, unknown); !!* ID or number of the tasksheet (Koordinations-/Massnahmenblatt-Nr). TaskID : OPTIONAL TEXT*20; Remark : OPTIONAL TEXT*200; NetPoint : ->NetPoint; !! {0..*} ObjectType : ->ObjectType; !! {0..*} NetLine : ->NetLine; !! {0..*} NO IDENT END ObjectItem; TABLE ObjectPosText = Text : TEXT*200; !!* Text-Position Pos : LKoord; !!* Text-Orientation (undefined = 100.0) Ori : OPTIONAL Orientation; !!* Horizontal-Alignement (undefined = center) Hali : OPTIONAL HALIGNMENT; !!* Vertical-Alignement (undefined = half) Vali : OPTIONAL VALIGNMENT; ObjectItem : ->ObjectItem; !! {0..*} NO IDENT END ObjectPosText; !!* A object's point. TABLE ObjectPoint = Geometry : LKoord; ObjectItem : ->ObjectItem; !! {0..*} NO IDENT END ObjectPoint; !!* A object's line. TABLE ObjectLine = Geometry : POLYLINE WITH (ARCS, STRAIGHTS) VERTEX LKoord; !! Optional lineattribute to tag special "non geometry linetypes", e.g. hintline for labels in ObjectPosText ("Hinweislinie") Lineattribute : OPTIONAL TEXT*50; ObjectItem : ->ObjectItem; !! {0..*} NO IDENT END ObjectLine; !!* A object's surface. TABLE ObjectSurface = Geometry : SURFACE WITH (ARCS, STRAIGHTS) VERTEX LKoord WITHOUT OVERLAPS > 0.050; ObjectItem : ->ObjectItem; !! {0..*} NO IDENT END ObjectSurface; END Walkwayplanning. END DM14WalkwayplanningCH. FORMAT FREE; CODE BLANK = DEFAULT, UNDEFINED = DEFAULT, CONTINUE = DEFAULT; TID = ANY; END.