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Webinar – A smart transport mode: How to include walking as an obvious choice?

Fussverkehr Schweiz lädt alle Interessierten zu einem Webinar im Vorfeld der nächsten THE PEP – Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme ein. Mobilität, Gesundheit und Umwelt werden unter diesem Dach entsprechend der Pariser Deklaration « Städte in Bewegung – Menschen zuerst » transdisziplinär und über staatliche Grenzen hinweg zusammengedacht.

A smart transport mode: How to include walking as an obvious choice?

Swiss Pedestrian Mobility and the International Federation of Pedestrians are discussing successful strategies and concrete examples to learn from each other and to advance a paradigm shift. 

The webinar is organized as a virtual side event in the frame of the 5 High Level Ministerial Conference on the Transport Health Environment Pan European Programme THE PEP “Building forward better by transforming to new clean, safe, healthy and inclusive mobility and transport”.  

This webinar is an invitation to discuss insights and to play with narratives to boost walking as a form of active mobility – as a priority, by choice and as the best and smartest option in everyday life.

Therefore, let’s talk 1). about risk with a different look at statistics and consider its consequences for road (un)safety and active modal choice; 2). about how re-framing is empowering active mobility 3). to what extend does legal framework on international, national and local level influence and respect the pedestrians.

Welcome note:

  • Marionna Schlatter, Swiss Pedestrian Mobility, President and National Council Member


  • Monika Litscher, Swiss Pedestrian Mobility
  • Geert van der Waeg, International Federation of Pedestrian
  • Michael Glotz-Richter, City of Bremen and International Graduate Center, Bremen
  • Sarah Widmer, International Federation of Pedestrian and Swiss Pedestrian Mobility, Geneva
  • Alessandra Angelini, Environment Agency, Vienna, Austria


  • Mario Alves, International Federation of Pedestrian

Date: May 12 10:30AM–11:45AM

To participate in this webinar, registration as soon as possible via the online conference platform is required

Target group: Powerful persons of politics, federal offices, public administrations/senior officials, industry and civil organization – interested participants from different fields are welcome

Please note that your attendance needs to be confirmed by the conference organizers.

This side event is free and will be held in English.

Please register as listener of the webinar in advance.

Scheduled Aktuell



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Fussverkehr Schweiz
Klosbachstrasse 48
8032 Zürich

Tel. 043 488 40 30

info at